Category: Completed projects_EN
Hits: 1469


IRF (International Renaissance Fund) funded project: (with the assistance of Peacecorps volunteers)

"Organisation of  a summer camp on the themes of leadership, tolerance and environment protection with over 70 children of various nationalities and ethnic groups


Background Information:

With the summer holidays a lot of youth lack the daily routine of going to school. It is therefore important to create alternative activities throughout this period to further stimulate their interests and advance their education (academic and physical).


The Summer Camp: The camp took place in July and included a variety of activities such as workshops, various games, sports contests, field trips etc. More then 70 children attended from a wide variety of nationalities and enthnicities including Ukrainians, Roma, Afghans, Iraqi's, Hungarians and Syrians. A great thank you to all participants including a dedicated group of Peace-corps volunteers who helped make this years summer camp a tremendous success.


Further reading:


Photo gallery of summer camp: Click here


IRF International Renaissance Foundation Ukrainian website:


Group visit to the Shypot waterfall


Two of the four different teams that took part in various games and challenges


Summer camp organisers, volunteers as well as some participants.
