Category: Completed projects_EN
Hits: 2044

neeka-caritas2004 - 2008

Caritas-Austria funded project:

“Capacity Building for the Migration Management system in Zakarpattia Ukraine”



Background Information:

With the previous NEEKA-CARITAS project, where the migration management system had been set up, it was now necessary to follow up and train all people involved with migration in Zakarpattia, Ukraine.


Capacity Building for the Migration Management System: Part of the migration management system was to provide humanitarian assistance and to guarantee the human rights of migrants in the Chop and Pavshino detention centre's as well as the dormitory for women and children in Mukachevo. With the system established additional training sessions, seminars and workshops were organised to insure that people working in the migration sector kept up the standards.



Further reading:


Caritas-NEEKA Creation of Migration Management System Project: Click here


Caritas Austria website:


caritas Global website:



Meeting with lawyers:
