Human Rights Day
- Details
- Written by Fadi
- Category: News
- Hits: 1884
On December 10, the international community celebrates Human Rights Day. 

Seemingly two words ′′ human rights ′′ and their meaning includes everything without which a person does not imagine their life in this world.
No matter what continent you were born on and live, what religion you profess and what color your skin is. You are a HUMAN, which means you have rights

NEEKA Region Carpathian Region team be part of
such a noble cause of human rights protection and assistance in their implementation - great success and motivation to continue helping refugees, seekers of protection and stateless persons be full members of society

Вже 20 років
- Details
- Written by Fadi
- Category: News
- Hits: 2009

UNHCR Ukraine - Aгентство ООН у справах біженців в Україні
арт терапія нарезка
- Details
- Written by Fadi
- Category: News
- Hits: 1484
Мукачівський державний університет продовжує роботу Психологічної майстерні, метою якої є підтримати вразливі групи біженців та шукачів притулку, допомогти їм подолати негативні стреси та бути позитивними.